Interest-Free Loans

We offer a range of interest-free loan programs to help you meet life's challenges.


Traditional Loans

At Tucson Jewish Free Loan, you can borrow up to $7,500 to meet your financial needs. The exact loan amount will vary based on the specific purpose of your request. Whether you need help with home or auto repairs, consolidating debt, covering medical expenses, or other unexpected costs, our loan programs are designed to provide the financial support you need. During a confidential personal interview, we'll discuss the available loan programs and determine the amount that best suits your situation.

You don't have to be Jewish to apply for a loan with us. While Tucson Jewish Free Loan is a non-profit organization rooted in Jewish values, we proudly offer interest-free loans to people of all faiths. However, certain funds may be restricted to individuals of the Jewish faith. Additionally, to qualify for a loan, you must be a permanent resident of Southern Arizona, including Pima, Cochise, and Santa Cruz Counties. Our commitment is to help as many people as possible in our community, regardless of religious background.



  • Fill out our online pre-loan application form


  • The maximum loan amount is $7,500. Loan amounts vary greatly depending on the specific need and purpose. Available loan programs and amounts will be discussed with you during a confidential personal interview.

  • Tucson Jewish Free Loan offers interest-free loans for unexpected expenses such as home/auto repairs, debt consolidation, medical expenses, and much more.

  • You do not have to be Jewish to apply. Tucson Jewish Free Loan is a non-profit that provides interest-free loans to people of all faiths. However, some funds may be restricted to people of the Jewish Faith.

  • Borrowers must be permanent residents of Southern Arizona including Pima, Cochise and Santa Cruz Counties.

  • Bad credit does not necessarily make you ineligible for a loan. Each loan application is handled on a case-by-case basis. We will check the credit of both the borrower and the guarantor.

  • We reserve the right to require a guarantor for any loan. Guarantors are people who agree to assume responsibility for the loan if the borrower becomes unable to pay for any reason. Applicants will be notified if a guarantor is required for their loan. We do not currently accept any other forms of collateral.

  • To be approved to support a loan, guarantors need to have good credit, a stable income and be at least 25 years of age. Guarantors cannot have any current activity with Tucson Jewish Free Loan either as borrowers or guarantors. Guarantors must be willing and able to repay the loan if the borrower is unable to do so. Guarantors must complete the guarantor application and be interviewed.

  • No, married couples are considered one borrower therefore a spouse cannot be a guarantor on a loan.

  • Generally, it takes up to four weeks to process applications and verify documentation. You will be contacted in either case whether your loan has been approved or not.

  • Payments begin approximately 15-30 days after the loan check is issued. Payment amounts are determined on a case-by-case basis during the interview. The payback period typically falls between 10 and 24 months.

  • There are many ways in which you can support Tucson Jewish Free Loan. We are entirely supported by the generous contributions of our donors. Your donation will help us help others and support our loan agency operations.

Discover the Right Loan for You!

Ready to find the financial support you need? Explore our loan programs and apply today to start your journey toward financial stability.

Apply now and start your journey to financial stability today!


Employee Financial Assistance Program

The Employee Financial Assistance Program is an interest-free loan program available to employees. The loans offered are up to $1,200. The loan is repaid through payroll deductions spread out over ten months.

  • Loans are available for medical/dental, school, car and home repairs, and other expenses.

  • The employee must be employed a minimum of 1 year full-time with the employer.

  • Must be a resident of Southern Arizona including Pima, Cochise, and Santa Cruz counties.

  • Employees must repay loans with automatic payroll deductions over the agreed time period, not to exceed 12 months.

  • Employees are eligible to apply for an additional loan a full 12 months after a loan is repaid.

Employee Financial Assistance Program


  • Employees often have emergency expenses to pay for health/dental care, school or child care, auto/ home repairs, or other unforeseen situations. Unlike high-interest loans, Tucson Jewish Loan is repaid with no interest and no costs to the borrower.

  • Once an employer agrees to be a part of the Tucson Jewish Free Loan Employee Financial Assistance Program, a Tuscon Jewish Free Loan representative will work with their or the company’s Human Resource department to implement a quick and easy loan process. The loan will be repaid from authorized payroll deductions, by the payment schedule outlined in the loan agreement, beginning on a scheduled payday. The loan may be paid back early without penalty.

  • The employee must be employed full-time for at least one year with the employer and be a resident of Southern Arizona including Pima, Cochise and Santa Cruz counties. Eligibility for the loan program will be assessed once a loan application is received.

  • The loan is through Tucson Jewish Free Loan. The employer makes this program available voluntarily. The loan process is confidential.

  • If employment should terminate for any reason, the full balance of the loan will be taken out within accordance with the wage and hour law from the final paycheck. Employers must notify TJFL staff of the termination within 48 hours. The employee is ultimately responsible for repaying the loan after they leave the job. Employees must provide a debit card at the time of signing the final loan paperwork with the Tucson Jewish Free Loan representative. The employee will sign a waiver permitting Tucson Jewish Free Loan to withdraw automatic monthly payments from a debit card if employment is terminated to pay off the loan balance.

  • Each organization is granted up to two loan defaults. After two defaults (even if the borrower is no longer with the organization), the program will be cancelled. The organization may pay off the loan balance to reinstate the program for their employees.

Find the Right Loan for Your Needs!

Looking for financial support? Explore Tucson Jewish Free Loan's interest-free loan programs tailored to help with everything from home repairs to medical expenses.